Cold Getaways – Top 3
While beaches in Greece and Spain grapple for the top rated in the world, a more adventurous crowd seeks out a cozy spot a little farther north. @hilvees, a travel blogger on Instagram, recently posted a magical photo of herself under a vast, wintery sky, inside of a glass, pointed dome. The influencer is posed […]
3 CEOs That Fly More Than You Thought
On the subject of flying frequently, CEOs of some of the most lucrative companies may surprise you as traveling more often than professed travel experts or bloggers, but when it comes to experience, the two sects cannot be compared. In a world where money is not a factor, Jaclyn Sienna India, president and founder of the […]
18 Places to Visit After Retirement in 2018
The big year is finally here, you finally get to retire. To say you’ve looked forward to this for more than half your life is an understatement – it’s the ultimate summer break because it’s the one that never ends. How are you going to celebrate it? With the world at your fingertips and all […]
Four Shades of Business Class Attendance
Ever notice how every level of category is like its own mini civilization or jungle? Let’s take the high school category: The seniors are the trend-setters and the leaders; the lions, the juniors are the recently jaded crowd, acting petulant and “too cool for school”; the hyenas. The sophomores are pathetically over-eager, still naïve enough […]
4 Things Successful People Do To Save
Dave Ramsey’s envelop method made clear that it matters less how much money you make it matters infinitely more how you spend it. Or rather, manage it, because the power lies within you. You have the control to live at the “fuck you” level sooner than you think, if you can only get past your […]
Top 5 Beaches – Where To Escape The Cold
As NYC and friends huddle up against biting winds, mounds of snow, and unforgiving temperatures, we can’t help but dream about far away lands that offer grassy-soft sand, rolling waves, and lots of warm, welcoming sun. You’ll notice that all of our choices are somewhat subdued beaches, undiscovered beauty, if you will. If you’re reading […]